About Us

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Who are we?  

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The Campbell Family Kristin, Christopher, and Asher. 

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Kristin Campbell
I have a passion is to help others live lives of faith, joy, grace, and healing . I was ordained in 1997 after starting an online ministry of prayer and Bible teaching in 1996.  I love outreach ministry, Biblical Counseling, Worship Dance, and being a prayer warrior seeking God in everything I do.  

 Through the years I have been involved in street ministry, taught worship dance as well as flags and banners, done outreach during times of crisis, taught in churches, ministered in hospitals, helped with worship conferences, taught Bible and prayed with others online,  encouraged and prayed with pastors around the world who were in need of support, lead a home church Bible study, wrote and recorded music with my husband, and wrote a book about Building a Healthy Living Temple when God was healing my body.

During  this time I have held jobs from Peak Hour Swing Shift Supervisor on the Crisis line to Graphic Designer as well as did a few direct sales businesses in order to help support our ministry work and reach more people for Jesus.  At this point I am once again in full time ministry, homeschooling momma, and artist.

I have a passion to help others grow in their walks with Christ and for seeing others set free by Jesus.  I love to worship God through Dance, Flags and Banners, through music, and through art.  I believe that everyone is called to worship God and everyone has been given a special gift or gifts that can be used to glorify Him.  

When you meet me you will quickly learn that I am not a fan of titles and prefer to be know as a minister of God rather then by the title “Pastor” although when I was ordained that was the title I was given.  It is my belief that every Christian person has a calling on their life and that we serve God better when all the members of the Body of Christ shine the light of Jesus in this darkend world. 

-Kristin :) 

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Christopher Campbell

 I am a music minister at heart who loves to worship and bring healing and restoration through music.  I have been a musician since the age of 5 when I began playing piano.  Since that time I have played piano, pipe organ, and ukulele.  

I was saved at a David Meece worship concert in the 1990’s and have been on several Christian worship teams since then.  I was an interim worship leader at 2 separate churches.  

When we began to worship more in parks I became the lead musician for Grace Soaring ministries.  I love to have Jam sessions to encourage the gifts that God has given other music ministers.  Currently I am also on a local  church worship team so that I can serve the local community as well as the global community with Grace Soaring.

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Asher Campbell

Asher is our miracle son.  His first and middle names means filled with joy thanks to God!  He lives this out daily in all he does.  He loves to study the word of God and accepted Jesus as his savior at the age of four.  He was then Baptized when he was 7.  He loves worship as much as his mom and dad and loves to encourage others with their walks with Jesus.    

When he was just 6 years old he did his first ministry outreach project where he took little backpacks with food, water, and first aid kits in them to homeless people on the streets of Seattle.  He loves to give which blesses our hearts so much!  

Our prayer is that he will continue to share the love of Jesus all his life! The photo above is of him carrying a banner during a prayer walk at our local middle school during spring break praying for all the students of our school district and area.  

-Kristin, Christopher, and Asher

How Grace Soaring Ministries Began

Grace Soaring Ministries started out as the worship arts training ministry of Living Rock Ministries.  Living Rock Ministries began from an online chat room that Kristin created in 1996 where she taught a Bible study and prayed over people around the world.  The next year, when Kristin was ordained by a non-denominational Christian Ministry, she recieved a church charter for Living Rock Ministries.  Living Rock Ministries was a fully online ministry where we ministered to people around the world through chat, prayer, and Bible study.  Here is the mission Statement from Living Rock Ministries which later branched out into street ministry, helps ministry, home church ministry, and pastoral support ministry:

"Living Rock Ministries is dedicated to reaching the Lost for Christ. At Living rock we believe in the full content of the Holy Bible and that it was not only inspired by God, but that it is in fact the Word of the Lord!  Living Rock Ministries seeks to teach, uplift, inspire, and fellowship with the full body of Christ and is therefore a nondenominational ministry.  We serve the one true God represented in the Lord God our Father, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our counselor. The Holy Trinity! (Three in One)  Living Rock is committed to meet the needs of their internet community through prayer and evangelism. Living Rock Ministries is also committed to uplifting fellow servants of God, helping churches and ministries in need, and reaching the nations through evangelism, prayer meetings, out reaches, and conferences that give all glory and honor to Adonai.”

In 2008 we began to feel the change toward renaming our whole ministry from Living Rock Ministries to Grace Soaring Ministries.  Now Grace Soaring Ministries has blossomed into so much more.  In the last 8 years we have had outreach and inspiration for direct sellers, a medical ministry for families of those who have son’s with what our first son died from when he was born, a healthy living ministry called Building a Healthy Living Temple, street outreach, worship ministry, Biblical counseling and encouragement ministry, Bible study and prayer ministry, helps ministry, wedding and funeral ministry, and pastoral support ministry.   

We feel God calling us to reach out in more and more areas to uplift, encourage, and support others in their walks with the Lord and to encourage eachother on the narrow paths that Lord has set before each one!  We feel His call towards healing the hearts of the hurt and the call to raise up those who have fallen away back to lives of righteousness and purity.

Much of this work will be done online through a Bible Study Group connected to our Grace Soaring Ministries Facebook page, through video chat using the Zoom Chat platform, and through our Grace Soaring Ministries Blog.  

We will also have times were we do outreach, street ministry, travel ministry, and special projects that we will encourage others to get envolved with as well.   As our ministry grows in the Grace of God we will add more and more different types of outreach to best serve the Lord and those connected to the ministry God has blessed us with.  

  © Kristin Campbell 2018